Keeping Your Performance PC Cool and Quiet

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Cooling your gaming PC

Ok, so you have your budget, you know where you want to sit in on AMD vs. Intel fence and whether you want to go Crossfire vs 1 more card. There May be some fundamental features of its architecture that are not considered. Building a system for long-term means that you must consider many other factors, especially topline.Sustav who is doing what you will generally run slower, and not last as long as one that is kept well within their "preferred operating temperature.


Heat is one of the biggest factors in the deterioration of the system. While going the distance water cooling is not always necessary, beyond adequate cooling is needed for today's power house gaming system. All the system generated heat from the processor, the power to RAM sama.Glavni goal of a good cooling system for transferring heat away from the main component, and then move the heat from the system all together as quickly and quietly as possible.

System Fans

As a minimum you will want to enter the fan on the front and at least one big fan at the back. The case should provide proper ventilation and also have an extra breathing hole. It's also good to use a decent sized case as one component is too small will cramp and restrict air flow, and one too large will not allow for proper air flow, unless you use a larger, noisier fans. Some cases from manufacturers such as iCute also have a very large, slow moving fan on the side of the chassis. It draws air directly from a large part of the system and as such a big fan can spin slowly and produce less noise.

CPU fan

the fans that come with the CPU in order, but they can easily get clogged. We prefer to fans who sit at right angles to the motherboard, unlike those who sit flat. This usually means that there may be more attached to the cooling unit and it also greatly reduces the possibility of dust clogging the gills cooling. Generally these fans are also quieter than fans of the original system, while producing a better cooling effect.


Ram cooling should take care to ensure the internal system temperature is maintained as low as possible. Certain RAM is attached to heat sinks on the modules themselves, which should provide better cooling. Where you have more RAM module is good to try and position the fan to draw heat through the module itself.


Most of the performance of graphics cards come with their own cooling systems that are best left alone. Newer cards like the Radeon series include heat pipes to cool the critical components such as moguće.Najbolji way to keep cool the graphics card is the same as RAM, which is to keep the internal temperature of the system down, and try to be a system fan to draw heat directly from the card or code has to be as much as possible.


Power can also be used to assist in the development of heat from sustava.Dobro power will have an internal fan to draw air in to the chassis, and then draw air from outside the system. It also helps to keep the power supply cool, because it can quickly heat damage to the system if the fan stops raditi.Dobro power will also aim to keep noise to a minimum and use intelligent fan control so that the fans are not spinning at 100% when they should not.

Hard Drives

The hard drives can get very hot very quickly when under constant reading and / or writing requirements. Usually the position of hard drives is toward the front of the system and a good case will contain input fan to pull air through pogona.Problem with this is in the air but gets hot during the rest of the system. It is therefore advisable that if you use the front intake fan over the hard drives, and try to take a secondary fan to draw fresh air directly into the main part of the system. If your only choice is to enter the fan during the drive, try and get as big a fan as much as possible.


ineffective management of the cable can have a massive impact on the efficiency of your cooling system. Generally good to reduce that all the cables you need in the system and also make sure the cables are properly connected to the case. It's also good to cable draping or hanging loosely in relation to other components, but also ensure that you can easily move around the cable, if you ever need to perform maintenance inside the computer. You can use a variety of tools, but simply Velcro straps can do the job and be easily undone in the future.


cooling system will be as good as the air is drawn into it. Hot moist air will cause more problems with the system in these conditions, cooling fluid may be a better way to proceed. Ideally, the system away from direct sunlight and also not in a closet or other enclosed area. If it is desirable for the system to be hidden away to ensure space is adequate for a good flow of outdoor air, and there is no way to get fresh air into the room.

Generally only the opening is not going to remove the amount of heat will produce the performance of your computer and getting a small USB fans run is better than nothing. Ideally, though, as the system itself, you will need the fan to draw air into the space, while others push the air out. It should be compatible with the system better so air is drawn indoors is directed toward the front of the case and the fan pushes the air out helps to remove hot air rises, if the computer.

Liquid Cooling

Liquid cooling systems offer advantages as an extremely low noise and can provide direct cooling through the critical components. Even with the cooling liquid is still good to have a proper overall system cooling and you have to check the system regularly to ensure it works properly. Systems can fail very quickly where liquid cooling design does not work and should be monitored continuously by the system for monitoring temperature. Some of these come with an LCD screen can be attached to the front of the computer so that at first glance, you can easily see the current system temperature. Liquid cooling can be ideal, where the computer is already warm and humid environment.


The number of fans to provide immediate and direct cooling, you can simply keep the system performance at a decent temperature and keep noise to a minimum. Using a mixture of fan sizes, you can design systems to use smaller fans faster and some slower more fans that draw a larger volume of air. By moving much of the heat from the system as fast as possible, and will greatly help in the longevity of the system and keep the various components running at its peak.

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